The qualifying list of candidates who appeared in the recruitment examination held on 08- 09-2019 against the Advertisement No. janasanyog./ DF/ 2871/18, dated 02- 11-2018 read with corrigendum No. HSFW/Esstt/13/ Pt/ 2013/8822, dated 02- 11-2018 and HSFW/ Esstt/ 13/Pt/ 20 13/8892, dated 16- 11- 2018, shown below against the specific post.
Name of post:
- Computer
- Field & Evaluation Worker
- L.D. Asstt
- Field Worker
- Social Worker
- Grade-IV
The date, venue and time for the Computer based skill test/2nd Phase OMR test will be published shortly.
Download: Short listed candidates for the post of Computor, LDA, F&EW & FW/SW