Online Applications are invited from intending eligible candidates for filling up of the following sanctioned vacant posts under Agriculture Department, Assam, Khanapara and its Districts Offices. Please visit GU ExternalExamination Website at for information on online submission of application form. Online submission facility for applications will be available during 27th February, 2021 and 13th March, 2021.
(1) Post Name – Agril.Extension Asst. (AEA)
Total Vacancy – 1581 nos [UR: 876, STP: 65, STH: 43, SC: 87, OBC/MOBC: 49, PWD: 14]
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000-60,500, GP 6200
Educational Qualification: HS Pass in any discipline. Preference will be given to those candidates who are passed in science stream and having rural background certificate.
(2) Post Name – Junior Assistant (H/Q)
Total Vacancy – 47 nos [UR: 23, STP: 3,STH: 1, SC: 3, OBC/MOBC: 16, PWD: 1]
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000-60,500, GP 6200
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline & 6 months computer Diploma
(3) Post Name – Junior Assistant (District)
Total Vacancy – 153 nos [UR: 29, STP: 27, STH: 20, SC: 9, OBC/MOBC: 56, PWD: 12]
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000-60,500, GP 6200
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline & 6 months computer Diploma
(4) Post Name – Stenographer
Total Vacancy – 8 nos [UR: 3, STP: 1,STH: 1, SC: 1, OBC/MOBC: 2]
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000-60,500, GP 8700
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline. Grade-I stenography diploma with minimum speed 80wpm (Eng) and 6 months computer Diploma.
(5) Post Name – Steno- Typist
Total Vacancy – 5 nos [4 (Eng)/1 (Assamese)] [UR: 2, STP: 1, OBC/MOBC: 1]
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000-60,500, GP 6200
Educational Qualification: HS Pass in any discipline.
Stenography diploma with minimum speed 80wpm (Eng) and 6 months computer Diploma
(6) Post Name – Electrician
Total Vacancy – 4 nos [UR: 2, STP: 1, OBC/MOBC: 1]
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000-60,500, GP 6200
Educational Qualification: HSLC Pass & 2 Years Diploma in Electrical from Govt ITI.
(7) Post Name – Pl/FI/FS/Computor
Total Vacancy – 24 nos [UR: 13, STP: 2, STH: 1, SC: 2, OBC/MOBC: 6]
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000-60,500, GP 6200
Education Qualification: HSSLC passed in any discipline from any recognised Board/Council/ University with Statistics, Economics or Mathematics as one of the
(8) Post Name – Mechanic(Jute)
Total Vacancy – 6 nos [UR: 3, STP: 1, OBC/MOBC: 2]
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000-60,500, GP 5600
Education Qualification: HSLC passed from any recognised Board/Council/ University. 2 years Diploma in Mechanic from Govt. I.T.I
(9) Post Name – Gr-IV
Total Vacancy – 9 nos
Pay Scale: Rs. 12,000-35,000, GP 3900
Education Qualification: Class- VIII passed.
Age :- Candidate should not be more than 40 years and less than 18 years of age as on
1stJanuary, 2020.
Relaxation: Upper age limit isrelaxable as under:
(i) 05 (five) yearsin case of candidates belonging to SC, ST (P) & ST (H).
(ii) 03 (three) yearsin case of candidates belonging to OBC/MOBC.
For purpose of determining the age limit, the department will accept only the date of
birth recorded in the Birth Certificate, Matriculation or equivalent examination
certificate/Admitcard issued by a recognized Education Board. No other document
relating to age such ashoroscope, affidavit and like will be accepted.
There will be Two Test i.e. (i) First Phase Test and (ii) Second Phase test.
(a) First Phase Test:- The Written Test will be the First Phase Test for the all above
Mentioned posts. Written Test will be conducted on the subjects for the above mentioned
posts. The duration of the Written Test will be of 2 hours. The test will be for 100 marks with 100 questions and will be completely OMR based. Each question will carry 1 (one) mark. There will negative marking of 1⁄2 (half) mark for each wrong answer. The candidates will have to use Black Ballpoint Pen to answer the OMR based answer sheet.
(i) General Science………30 Marks
(ii) General Maths………..30 Marks
(iii)General Knowledge…40 Marks
Total 100.Marks
(b) Second Phase Test:-
The Second Phase Test will be computer based exam to test the knowledge of the posts applied and proficiency in computer operations and Shorthand Test for those candidates who have applied for the post of Stenographer and Steno-Typist.
How to Apply : Online Applications are invited from intending eligible candidates for filling up of the following sanctioned vacant posts under Agriculture Department, Assam, Khanapara and its Districts Offices from 22 March, 2021 till 5 April, 2021 in the Gauhati University Website
The Candidates having the required essential qualification for the posts as mentioned
above may apply for the posts by submitting their first preference, second preference,
third preference and so on.
i) Birth Certificate or Admit card of HSLC or equivalent examination for proof of age.
ii) Marksheet & Certificate of Educational Qualification for the post concerned.
iii) Other Technical, Stenography and Computer certificate/Diploma (Minimum 6
month duration).
iv) Caste Certificate from competent authority in respect of candidates belonging to SC,
v) Valid Employment exchange Registration Card/Certificate.
vi) The candidates willing to apply for the post of Agril. Extension Assistant, have to
furnish the Rural Back ground certificate in the prescribed Schedule –III as per the
Assam Subordinate Service Rule, 1994 as amended vide notification No. AGA
20/2000/Pt (A)/24dated. The 31st Oct/2013.

It is notified for information that pursuant upon the Adv. No. Ref. No:EEC/GU/02(A)/2021 Date:22-03-2021 the online application date for the Various Posts under Department of Agriculture, Govt of Assam has been extended till 12-04-2021(till mid-night).

Download Notification: Click Here