Name of examination: Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2019
No of posts: N/A
Name of posts:

Educational Qualification:
Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer:
Essential Qualification: Bachelor‟s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.
Desirable Qualification: Chartered Accountant or Cost & Management Accountant or Company Secretary or Masters in Commerce or Masters in Business Studies or Masters in Business Administration (Finance) or Masters in Business Economics.
Junior Statistical Officer: Bachelor‟s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level; or
Bachelor‟s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.
Statistical Investigator Grade-II: Bachelor‟s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects from a recognized University or Institute. The candidates must have studied Statistics as a subject in all the three years of the graduation course.
All other Posts: Bachelor‟s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.
* The candidates appearing in the final year of their graduation can also apply, however they must possess Essential qualification on or before 01-01-2020.
Selection Process:
Tier-I: Computer Based Examination
Tier-II: Computer Based Examination
Tier-III: Pen and Paper Mode (Descriptive paper)
Tier-IV: Computer
Proficiency Test/ Data Entry Skill Test (wherever applicable)/ Document
Application Fee: Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only).
Women candidates and candidates
belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with
Disability (PwD) and Ex-servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted
from payment of fee.
How to apply: Apply Online on prescribed format at SSC Recruitment website
from 22/10/2019 to
25/11/2019 only for SSC CGL Recruitment Examination 2019.
Important Dates:
Date for submission of online applications: 22-10-2019 to 25-11-2019
Last date for receipt of application: 25-11-2019 (17:00)
Last date for making online fee payment: 27-11-2019 (17:00)
Last date for generation of offline Challan: 27-11-2019 (17:00)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank):
Dates of Tier-I Examination (CBE): 02-03-2020 to 11-03-2020
Dates of Tier-II (CBE) and Tier-III (Des.) Examinations: 22-06-2020 to 25-06-2020