Tag «assam govt job»

UPSC NDA & NA (II) Recruitment 2021

The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Name of exam: National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II), 2021No of posts: 400 Vacancy …

NHM Assam Recruitment 2021

Online applications are invited from the candidates willing to work in mission mode for engagement on contractual basis in the following positions under NHM, Assam. Candidates have to apply online in the NHM, Assam website: https://nhm.assam.gov.in 1. Procurement ExpertNo of posts: 1Age Limit: Up to 65 Years as on 31st March 2021Educational Qualification:1. Master Degree/ Post Graduate …

DC Nagaon Recruitment 2021

Name of post: Gaon PradhanNo of posts: 82  Name of revenue circles:  1. Nagaon Sadar2. Raha3. Kamrup4. Samaguri5. Rupohi and6. Kaliabor Resident ship: He/ She should be a citizen of India and a permanent resident of the area in respect of concerned Gaon Pradhan Lot (from where he/she seeks appointment) Educational Qualification: He/ She should be minimum 10th …

Charaideo Judiciary Recruitment 2021

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates, who are citizens of India as defined in Article 5 & 6 of the Constitution of India, in Prescribed Format attached here in, with self attested copies of all testimonials in support of age, education qualification, caste, experience if any, along with recent passport sized photograph and signature …

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2021

Name of post: Technical and Tradesmen (Group B & C)No of posts: 1230 [Assam: 47] Vacancy: 1. Havildar Clerk: 13 Education Qualification: 10+2 Pass and Skill Test English Typing with Minimum Speed of 35 WPM OR Hindi Typing with Minimum Speed of 30 WPM. 2. Electrical Fitter Signal (Male): 2 Education Qualification: 10th Class Pass with Science, Math and …

Guwahati Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2021

Online Applications in Standard Form “Assam Gazette (Part IX)” are invited from the intending candidates who are native citizen of Assam and fulfils the eligibility norms of educational qualification. age, work experience etc. as mentioned below for the post of ‘Accountant. Accounting and MIS” to be engaged in Guwahati Municipal Corporation on contractual basis for …

Anganwadi Recruitment 2021 [ Sibsagar, nazira]

Office of the Child Development Project Officer (CDPO), Nazira, Sivasagar has released notification for 38 Anganwadi Centre of Anganwadi Worker, Mini Anganwadi Worker and Anganwadi Helper (Sahayika) vacancy: 1. Anganwadi Worker [KARMI]No of posts: 15Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed Higher Secondary (Class 12th). If HS passed candidates not available in that particular area, then  HSLC/AHM passed candidates …

DSE Assam Recruitment 2021

In the overall interest of the intending candidates in the State of Assam. the Director of Secondary Education, Assam on behalf of the Inspector of Schools of the respective Districts (21 nos. of Plain Districts), invites online applications from intending and eligible candidates for the post of Post Graduate Teachers in Provincialized Higher Secondary Schools …