Tag «assam govt job»

NHM Assam Recruitment 2021

Online applications are invited from the candidates willing to work in mission mode for engagement on contractual basis in the following positions under NHM, Assam. Candidates have to apply online in the NHM, Assam website: https://nhm.assam.gov.in State Level Positions1. State Epidemiologist, IDSPNo of posts: 1Age Limit: Up to 62 years as on 1st April 2021Educational Qualification: Medical Graduate …

Water Resources Department Recruitment 2021 [For JE Post]

Applications are Invited from Indian citizens as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of lee for filling up of the following posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil and Junior Engineer (Civil) in Wafer Resources Department, Govt. of Assam under Regulation 3(f) of the Assam Public Service Commission (Limitations of Functions) Regulation, 1%1. 1. …

Gauhati High Court Recruitment 2021

Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for temporary engagement of 12 (twelve) Law Clerks in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court at a fixed monthly pay of Rupees 20000/- (rupees twenty thousand) only. Name of post: Law ClerkNo of posts: 12Fixed Monthly Pay: Rs.20,000/- Age Limit: Category wise age limits for the posts, as on …

NHPC Limited Recruitment 2021

NHPC offers exciting opportunities and challenges to learn and grow. The company fosters excellent working environment and has attractive compensation package. To support its high growth trajectory, NHPC is looking for High Performing, Dynamic & Achievement-Oriented Professionals for the following positions: 1. Senior Medical Officer (E3)No of posts: 13 [SC-02, OBC -07, UR-4] Educational Qualification: MBBS Degree …

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2021

Oil India Limited (OIL) invite applications from eligible candidates for recruitment in the following positions in work person category at Oil India Limited (OIL), Pipeline Sphere, Assam, (only from the districts of Jorhat, Golaghat, Morigaon, Nagaon, Kaliabor, Kamrup (M), Kamrup, Nalbari, Bajali, Barpeta, Bongaigaon and Kokrajhar as per details given below: 1. Assistant Technician (Electrical …

Assam Police AB & UB Constable Admit Card 2021

Reference Notice issued vide Memo No SLPRB/Rec/Const (AB&UB) /Vol­IV/441/2018/108 dated 18-08-2021 in connection with recruitment of 2391 posts of Constables UB &. 4271 posts of Constable AB in Assam Police. The PST/PET for the following districts will start on the dates as shown against each :- SL. No. District Name Start Date 1 Baksa 24/09/2021 …

Assam Rifles Recruitment 2021

Name of post: Technical and Tradesmen (Group B & C)No of posts: 1230 [21 various trades] it is intimated that Assam Rifles is conducting Technical and Tradesman open recruitment rally 2021-22 to fill up total 1230 vacancies in 21 various trades of Group B and C posts as per appx alt. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/Physical Standard …

Indian Navy Admit Card 2021

Indian Navy has released the admit card of Written Exam and PFT for 350 Sailor vacancy for Matric Recruit (MR): Name of posts: Sailor Matric Recruit (MR) No of posts: 350 (Approx.) Type of exam: Written Exam and PFT Admit card release date: 26th August 2021 Download Admit Card: Click Here

OIL Duliajan Recruitment 2021

Oil India Limited (OIL) invites applications from eligible candidates from its production and exploration areas in the districts of Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Sivasagar and Charaideo in Assam and Changlang district in Arunachal Pradesh for recruitment of workpersons in following posts at OIL, Field Headquarters, Duliajan as per details given here under. The following posts will entail …