Tag «job.info»

RRB NTPC Fee Refund Notice 2021

1.0 Asper Para No.7.0 of CEN 01/2019, candidates who had appeared in the first stage Computer Based Test (CBT-1) held from 28.12.2020 to 31.07.2021 in 7 (seven) Phases, are entitled to get the refund of their examination fee: (which was its. 250/- far SC/ST/ExSM/PwBD /Female/Minority/EBC/ Transgender candidates and Rs. 400/- for others), after deduction of …

Social Welfare Recruitment 2021

The State Project Director, POSHAN Abhiyaan assam Invites eligible candidates who are citizen of India as defined under Article 5 to 9 of the Constitution of India and fulfil the eligibility norms of educational qualification, work experience, age etc. as mentioned heap against each category of purely temporary contractual assignment. 1. District CoordinatorNo of posts: 2 …

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2021

Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for the recruitment of following Group C Civilian posts at the various Air Force Stations/Units mentioned below. The eligible candidates may address their application to the concerned Stations/Units. The details of the posts are given below: Name of post: Group C CivilianNo of posts: 197 Station/ Unit vacancy: 1. HQ …

BSF Constable (GD) Recruitment 2021 [Sports quota]

Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizen (Male & Female) for filling up 269 vacancies for the Non-Gazetted & Non Ministerial post of Constable (General Duty) in Group C on temporary basis likely to be made permanent in Border Security Force against Sports quota as per table at Para 2(a). Application from candidate will be …

Lakhimpur Judiciary Recruitment 2021

Applications are invited from Citizen of India within the age limit of 18 to 38 years (relaxation as per Govt. rules) for filling up 1 (One) post of Peon on contractual basis under the establishment of District and Sessions Judge, Lakhimpur, North Lakhimpur, as shown below: 1. ChowkidarNo of posts: 1 [STP: 1]2. Night ChowkidarNo of …

AHSEC Recruitment 2021 [walk-in interview]

Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, Bamunimaidam, Ghy-21 is going to conduct walk-in—interview for the post of ‘Accounts Assistant’ on contractual basis initially for 11 months and it will be reviewed every year on the basis of performance. Interested candidate may appear before the Selection Board on 24.08.2021 at 10.30 am positively in the Council premises …

Assam Agricultural University Recruitment 2021

A walk in interview (Online/Offline interview) for selection of suitable candidates for the following contractual posts under Directorate of Research(Agri.), AAU, Jorhat for CBBO Programme will be held in the 0/o the undersigned. Intending candidates having requisite qualification may submit their application in Standard form along with photocopy of all academic certificates & mark sheets …

UPSC CDS II Examination 2021

The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Name of exam: Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2021No of posts: 339 Training Institute-wise vacancy: 1. Indian …

NRL Recruitment 2021

Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL), a subsidiary of M/s Oil India Limited (OIL), is a Miniratna Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. It has a 3.0 MMTPA Refinery at Numaligarh in the district of Golaghat, Assam and Marketing Terminals at Numaligarh, Assam and Siliguri, West Bengal. Numaligarh Refinery was conceived in …